A Reminder

Just reminding everybody about the hypocrisy of the man trying to force experimental, emergency use authorization medication on you as well as putting masks on children all over the country. Oh, he has lied to Congress and us, and is making large sums of money off of the misery helped create. One year ago heContinue reading “A Reminder”

Latest Episode

Servant leadership – secular vs Christ-centered; Moms For Liberty; Homeschoolers are true servant leaders Go ahead and give it a listen. Feedback is always appreciated. https://anchor.fm/libertyleadershipandlies/episodes/EP-21-Leadership—Servant-Leadership–Hospitality-e14p5ja

New Episode Tomorrow

Doing the final edits right now for tomorrow morning’s episode. We’ll talk about servant leadership some more. Also talking about some great examples of servant leaders in every community. Please tune in. Stop by the blog tomorrow to see the call to action for next week’s episode about lies! Podcast is here 👉 https://anchor.fm/libertyleadershipandlies

First Law of Nature

Why do the usurpers attack the Second Amendment and wish it never existed in the first place? People with critical thinking skills understand the why. Great read for those that cannot see the reason why. Read the article – https://www.breitbart.com/2nd-amendment/2021/07/19/blackwell-roman-disarming-americans-best-way-enslave-them/

You Get What You Pay For

I just finished reading a great blog/article that a Patriot shared. The title of my blog post is probably the best pull quote from the article. This article/blog post deals with public (government) education in the United States of America today. There is no going back to what worked, we need to go forward inContinue reading “You Get What You Pay For”

Next Leadership Episode

The next episode will focus a little bit more on servant leadership. I would be interested in the audience’s thoughts on leadership. If you know of somebody that is a good leader, let me know why. Send an email to larry@libertyleadershipandlies.com Listen to the last episode on leadership to serve as a primer – https://anchor.fm/libertyleadershipandlies/episodes/EP-18-Leadership—Finding-Servant-Leaders-e13m3hj